Minggu, 14 Agustus 2011

Mirror Mirror

Mirror, mirror, who is the most beautiful in the world?
Mirror, mirror, am I the most beautiful in the world?

Tell me that I appealed to you from the beginning

When I think of you, my reflection appears brighter in the mirror
I’m so beautiful, but why do you keep thinking of different things?

Why do you not look at me?


Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

thanks god for all what you gave me for today.
today was amazing! DAEBAK!

found on http://hotnesscomeswithin.tumblr.com/

it's called a syndrome

karena dua hari yang lalu gue ada masalah kecil sama temen di kampus.
hem, karena hal yang konyol, tiba2 mood gue drop dan langsung gak pengen ngomong.
suasana langsung hening. dingin. gue sih langsung menyangka ini pasti sebenernya gejala PMS. tapi apa daya, males aja ngomong sama mereka. karena hal konyol itu juga, gue udasakit hati trus ceritanya ngambek.

dan tepatnya tadi...
i realized that im missing them.
yeah, im a person who cannot live without friends.
karena kalo gak cerita, gak dapat ngegossip sama temen tuh rasanya jelek banget.
sampai akhirnya,,
i tried to text her and....
she replied it. im relived!

Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011

Glee Movies in 3D!

cant wait for this amazing group!
12th august 2011. i think it would be hard to watch this movie in cinema.
kurt definitely sexy!

"Everybody's got a dream. And this is mine!"

Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

Adele :)

who dont know bout her? Adele... who known by her deep amazingly voice!
ok, i didnt follow her carrier in music until she released her album with single "someone like you"
wow, i love her voice!!! :)

and until i wathced reality show called "Big Brother Indonesia"
there a contestant named "Rene" and she loves Adele too.
and she like adele song - Chasing Pavements. i was interest on it and tried to youtube-ing and find the music video. woooow, i love this song!! Gooo Gooo ADELE.
but, i've read the bad comment from arrogant person said that " i didnt know she was that fat. guess thats why you ususally can only see her head lol"
ugh, what the hell this world. even she's fat. but she can sing. instead of the people who skinny tried to sing but totally fail!!

check her live perfomance too

Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2011

lazy - time

Hai readers :) /emang ada ya rat?

Akhir2 ini gw lagi ga pengen posting blog. Hmmm~kangen sebenernya.
Tapi sayang seribu sayang, walopun lagi holiday, di kampus tetep ada banyak kegiatan.

Oia, di holiday ini gw ikutan lomba trading saham online. Tapi ini gak trading beneran. Cuma main2 doang gitu. Dan sampe saat ini uda untung 1.067 dollar :) Ini lombanya selama 2 minggu, diadain sama Himpunan Mahasiswa Manajemen di kampus gw yang dibantu sama PT.MONEX.
Semoga aja besok bisa jadi pemenang. So wish me luck :D

Dan selama liburan gw isi dengan... as always nonton drama korea.
Recently watch : 49 Days.